HKX25480 (formerly DM25480) contact smart card chip


The HKX25480 (formerly DM25480) is a contact CPU card chip with a 32-bit processor, supports ISO/IEC7816 interface, 480KB Flash, and can be used for contact smart card applications.

Key words:

CPU card chip

Product Details

1. Product overview
1.1 Description
The HKX25480 is a contact CPU card chip with a 32-bit processor, supports ISO/IEC7816 interface, 480KB Flash, and can
For contact smart card applications.
1.2 characteristics
♦ 32 32-bit CPU
♦ISO/IEC 7816 Contact Interface
♦CRC Coprocessor
♦ Memory
► Flash:480KB
► RAM:13KB
♦Safety certification: CCRC EAL4
♦Flash Reliability
The data area meets 100000 erasure
Meet 10 years (55 ℃) data preservation
DM25480 1.0 4
2. Functional Block Diagram

Figure 2-1:HKX25480 Functional Block Diagram
3. Electrical parameters
Main DC index of 3.1 (typical value at room temperature)
♦Voltage operating range (support ISO7816 class A/B/C):1.62~5.5V
♦CLOCK STOP Mode Operating Current (5.5V):200uA
♦CLOCK STOP Mode Operating Current (3.3V):100uA
♦Chip operating current (30MHz):3.5mA
Main AC indicators of 3.2 (typical value at room temperature)
♦ISO7816 interface communication baud rate configuration: FI/DI configuration up to 97H, interface clock 1~10MHz
3.3 temperature index
♦Working temperature:-25~85 ℃
♦Storage temperature:-25~85 ℃

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